IT SHOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE that great authors do not spend their time writing books about how to be a great author. They are, of course, working on the next great novel. There are a few exceptions (notably, Stephen King – who is an exception to everything), but they are rare. I think there… Continue reading→
This is part two of a series explaining how to publish your book using Markdown. PART ONE: How to write your book in Markdown PART TWO: (This post) Creating an eBook-friendly EPUB file from Markdown PART THREE: Creating a Kindle MOBI file from your EPUB file In part one, we covered how to write your… Continue reading→
This is the first in a series explaining how to publish your ebook using Markdown, and create all of the formats necessary to upload to Amazon, iBooks, and others. I’ll provide tips and tools which will help you to quickly and easily create and publish your content. PART ONE: (this post) How to write your… Continue reading→