The baby survival gear they didn’t tell you about (and sure as sh*t didn’t give you at the baby shower)

First off, let me just say that baby showers are awesome. You get lots of free baby stuff. Yeah, it’s not stuff for you or your partner, but if you’re lucky it might involve beer. Or free snacks. So if your partner is one of those people who doesn’t want to impose, or is too… Continue reading

From Markdown To Kindle Publishing

The simplest way to prepare your book for Kindle — while staying in control of formatting. Markdown is magic, and enables writers everywhere to do their work free from the distractions of bloated word processors. Going from Markdown to publishing on Kindle (aka Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP) can be a bit daunting if you’ve… Continue reading

Do Your Hardest Work in the Morning

New Year’s resolutions are for chumps. Most New Year’s resolutions are bound to fail. We just aren’t that good at discipline and self-control. And yet we still have a strongly held belief that willpower is something you can actually will into being. Believe that, and you’ll remain a statistic … and become yet another human… Continue reading